Everyone in the world would like to see peace and harmony, but what prevails is quite the opposite. Bhagavad Gita verses (12.13-12.20) as quoted below offer a simple solution to most of the problems in today’s world, and that is the self-improvement of the individual.
One who is devoid of hatred, who is friendly and com-passionate to all living beings, who is devoid of any sense of possessiveness, free of egotism, objective in all circumstances, forgiving, a self-satisfied practitioner of yoga, self-controlled, of strong determination, and whose mind and intelligence is engaged in thinking of Me – that person is My devotee and is thus very dear to Me. (Bg. 12.13-14)
One who does not cause distress to anyone and who is never distressed by anyone, who is free from happiness, anger, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me. (Bg. 12.15)
One who is indifferent, pure, expert, dispassionate, free from distress, and who renounces all selfish desires is very dear to Me. (Bg. 12.16)
One who neither rejoices nor envies, who feels neither sorrow nor desire, who rejects both auspiciousness and inauspiciousness – that person has devotion and is very dear to Me. (Bg. 12.17)
One who is equal to both friends and enemies, equipoised in fame and infamy, heat and cold, pleasure and pain, who is detached, equal to insult and praise, of controlled speech, satisfied in all circumstances, who has no attachment to any residence and of steady mind – that person has devotion and is very dear to Me. (Bg. 12.18-19)
Those who are faithful and who follow this eternal path of dharma that has been described by Me, considering Me to be Supreme – such persons are very dear to Me. (Bg. 12.20)
In other words, if people were to cultivate the qualities that Sri Krishna has mentioned here, the world would be a far better place. As it is now, the world is no place for a gentleman. Being devoid of hatred, being friendly and compassionate to all living beings, being devoid of any sense of possessiveness, free from egotism, objective in all circumstances, forgiving, self-controlled, and being of strong determination etc. are indeed noble qualities. But how are people to develop them?
Independently these qualities, and other desirable qual- ities of the human being mentioned throughout Bhagavad-gita are difficult to develop. It is seen that sometimes a person may possess one, two or three of such qualities, but where is that person who has all these qualities?
Krishna gives the answer in Bhagavad-gita – become a bhakti-yogi, take shelter of Krishna and surrender everything to Him. The atma is naturally complete with all good qualities as could ever be desired by a human being. When one’s mind, intelligence, and consciousness are purified by being in association with Krishna through the process of bhakti-yoga, all desirable qualities develop. Therefore, the open secret to life is that everyone should become a yogi in bhakti-yoga. Then the world would become a much better place.
Above all good qualities is the quality of devotion to the Supreme Person, from which all other good qualities manifest in great abundance. One does not become dear to Krishna simply by independently developing good qualities. All such qualities must be dovetailed with the quality of devotion. One who approaches life in that way is a true bhakti-yogi and is very dear to Krishna.